Archive for July 2019
The revival of coloured lenses
Achieving Good Vision
Whether we're emotionally ready for it or not, the revival of fashion from the 2000's has begun.
Yep, that’s right–better get ready to relive some of your best ‘what was I thinking?’ moments. While some of the eyewear trends of the ‘naughties’ can stay well and truly buried (diamanté encrusted frames, anyone?), one iconic look has returned in full force–the glorious coloured lens. Donned regularly by the likes of Drew Barrymore and the Olsen twins, with tones in vibrant red or blue, the tinted lens was hard to ignore.
Men neglecting eye health
Eye Health
At Young Eyes we know men are less likely to get their eye health assessed. Men between the ages of 45 and 74 utilised the least level of optometric services in 2016, according to Medicare.
Most conditions causing vision loss that we see at Young Eyes can be treated. Failure to treat them can however stop healthy independent ageing.